Sabtu, 23 April 2011 di 03.48 Diposting oleh Unknown 0 Comments

Respectable …as headmaster …
Honorable all of teacher
Dear Mr.Hardy as teacher of English
And happy brothers and sisters

Firstly, lets  nthank unto our god who has been giving us blessing and mercais, So we can come here in good condition and happy situasion.

Here by I am as speaker I will not forget to thanks so much to master/mistress of ceremony for getting me speaking here.

Happy audiences who are attending this meeting in this beautiful chance I want to speaking in front of you all about “Communication”

Communication  is to give or to exchange information.New ideas or opinion by speech or writing.If someone can not communicate.We will not talk to other people.So we will get nothing and this is impossible for learning anything.A child has also chance to communicate with parents , brother , sisters, to get knowledge and information.The man way to communicate with other people is speaking face to face or by telephone.It’s the fastest way to communicate.Since communicate is important to get knowledge, we must communicate with other people, especially with teacher and friends at school.

Well ladies and gentlemen.
Before closing my speaking, I am sure that I have many mistakes during speaking on front of you all. So please for give me, the last I say see you and thanks.

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