Minggu, 22 Mei 2011 di 21.53 Diposting oleh Unknown 0 Comments

Physical Information
Age: 31
Sex: Female
Birthday: 06/11
Bloodtype: AB
Height: 169.1 cm
Weight: 54.4 kg

Ninja Information
Registration ID: 010881
Hidden Village: Leaf
Rank: Jounin
Team: 8 - Aburame Shino, Hyuuga Hinata, Inuzuka Kiba + Akamaru

Advancement Data
Academy Grad Age: 9
Chuunin Exam Age: 13
Jutsu: Jubaku Satsu, Kurenai's Flower Petal Escape (Unnamed), Kurenai's Flower Petal Dissolve (Unnamed)

Missions Completed
D-Rank: 152
C-Rank: 158
B-Rank: 235
A-Rank: 138
S-Rank: 14

First Manga Appearance: Chapter 34
First Anime Appearance: Episode 20
Name Meaning: Yuuhi=Setting sun, Kurenai=Crimson
Character Study: Kurenai remains a largely unexplored Jounin master. Her relationship with Asuma eventually results in her losing her lover, but not before they conceive a child together. Looking to honor his master and look out for the next generation, Shikamaru has promised to train Kurenai's child.

 Yuuhi Kurenai is the teacher of Team 8, consisting of Aburame Shino, Inuzuka Kiba and Hyuuga Hinata. Upon taking her pupils on, she was a recently-promoted Jounin herself, dubbed a rookie by her peers. She was shown acquiring Hinata in a flashback, wearing a distinctly different outfit as her father virtually disowned Hinata and gave her to Kurenai’s care. Kurenai’s outfit was also completely red in an early episode of the anime, possibly being an animation error. All subsequent anime appearances have given her a single red sleeve and white patterned bandages.

      Kurenai, alongside the rest of Team 8, has suffered a lack of exposure save for the anime-exclusive episodes. In the Chuunin Exams, she provided commentary about the fights, but was not shown actively defending the village. It is highly unlikely that she fell asleep from Kabuto’s mass Genjutsu considering her talent in that field. Kurenai’s actual Genjutsu abilities would not be showcased until a later episode. During the Akatsuki infiltration of Konoha, Kakashi semi-jokingly asked if there was any chemistry between her and Sarutobi Asuma from the amount of time they spent together. Kurenai blushed and explained that she was running an errand for sweets for Anko, indicating the two were just friends. Kakashi had them then track Uchiha Itachi and Hoshigake Kisame. While Asuma kept Kisame busy, Kurenai displayed the ability to entrap both of the intruders in a simultaneous Genjutsu, placing them under the illusion that a tree was ensnaring them.

     As Kurenai emerged from the bark ready to kill, Itachi used his Sharingan to reverse the effects, where Kurenai found herself unable to move as the same tree was now pinning her in place. Biting her lip to the point it bled to negate the effects, she was still dispatched by Itachi and then, on Kakashi’s command, rendered helpless as Itachi’s Mangekyou Sharingan threatened them all with a Genjutsu more powerful than they had ever experienced. However, as Guy arrived to lead the counterattack, she stood and prepared to go at them again, forcing their retreat. Aside from a brief appearance at the end of the manga, this would be Kurenai’s last moment in the spotlight until the second part.

       The anime-exclusive episodes offered Kurenai little more than the treatment she received in the manga. She and Asuma were both trampled as the traitorous Mizuki led a prison break from a correctional facility for ninja-criminals. Outnumbered by several hundred, Kurenai was hospitalized. However, her Genjutsu abilities were once again showcased in a short story arc involving a former pupil of hers named Kurama Yakumo, the monstrous Idou (a psychological term for part of the psyche) and a decision made with the Third Hokage to seal it. Kurenai discovered that Yakumo had a part of her subconscious that manifested itself as a twisted version of Yakumo and abused her amazingly strong powers of Genjutsu to satisfy the murderous intent it held.

     Kurenai, under great resentment, sealed up the Idou along with a large deal of Yakumo’s power in a ceremony greatly resembling Kakashi’s with Sasuke, inking various charms and seals around her. Several years later, Kurenai made another resentful decision to abandon her team and deal with Yakumo once more as her power was seeping out again. Throughout the incident, Kurenai showed an almost motherly side of herself trying to protect Yakumo from her innermost dark self, even going as far as entering an illusionary world where any Genjutsu damage would become permanent if desired by the Idou and risking the loss of everything below her neck. It was her words that finally motivated Yakumo to muster the strength to fight and defeat it.

       Kurenai’s role in part 2 of the manga has also been small so far, looking concerned at several points when Asuma was fighting. When Asuma falls in battle, she feels a sudden shock as if hit by a premonition. Shikamaru himself would later give Kurenai the bad news. She and the rest of Konoha would then gather to honor the fallen ninja. Shikamaru would get revenge for his Team and Kurenai, neutralizing Hidan by blowing him up and burying him deep in the earth. Shikamaru would return and find Kurenai at Asuma's grave. He explained how Asuma always looked out for him and he in turn would look out for her son. We then learn that Kurenai is pregnant and wearing a ring. During Naruto's time away Kurenai and Asuma took their relationship to the next level and became engaged. Though she had lost her love, she would soon have a new Sarutobi in her life.

     The pairing of Asuma and Kurenai by fans was a firm favorite, with the two cited being together and quickly denied with blushing even in the manga. Their eventual marriage carried out Kishimoto's hint that there would be romance in the second part of the series. On a trivial note, Kurenai is one of the few kunoichi that uses cosmetics and makeup in a regular manner, with purple eye shadow and dark red lipstick. In conjunction with her striking two-tone red eyes, it might be possible she uses this to draw attention to herself and trap the enemy in Genjutsu more effectively.


di 21.46 Diposting oleh Unknown 0 Comments

Physical Information
Age: 16
Sex: Male
Birthday: 07/07
Bloodtype: B
Height: 169.1 cm
Weight: 52.5 kg

Ninja Information
Registration ID: 012620
Hidden Village: Leaf
Rank: Chuunin
Team: 8 - Yuuhi Kurenai, Hyuuga Hinata, Aburame Shino

Advancement Data
Academy Grad Age: 12
Chuunin Exam Age: 14
Jutsu: Akamaru {Dainamikku Maakingu}, Kiba {Shikyaku, Tsuuga}, Akamaru+Kiba {Garouga, Gatsuuga, Inuzuka Ryuu Chinjuu Konbi Henge: Soutou Rou, Juujin Bunshin}

Missions Completed
D-Rank: 21
C-Rank: 19
B-Rank: 8
A-Rank: 2
S-Rank: 0

First Manga Appearance: Chapter 34
First Anime Appearance: Episode 1
Name Meaning: Inu=Dog zuka=A small hill, Kiba="Fang", Aka=Red maru=Boys name
Character Study: Sometimes aloof and hot-tempered, Kiba provided Naruto his first challenge in the Chuunin Exam. Kiba lost but grew to respect Naruto from the point on, offering to help him return Sasuke to the village. Over the years both Kiba and Akamaru would grow in both skills and size.

  Kiba Inuzuka is a member of Team 8, alongside Aburame Shino and Hyuuga Hinata, watched over by Yuuhi Kurenai. He is rarely seen, if ever, without his lifelong companion, Akamaru.

     The Inuzuka family have close relations with canines. They share some traits with them too, as indicated by Kiba’s unique sense of smell. Because of this ability, he forms an integral part of Team 8’s tracking specialty with Hinata’s vision and Shino’s homing abilities. Akamaru is also sensitive to chakra, adding another edge to their detection skills. It was Akamaru’s sensitivity that first alerted them to danger when the team had a close brush with the Sand siblings in the Chuunin exam, where they witnessed a small demonstration of Gaara’s fearsome power. Akamaru literally hid as Gaara wiped out a trio of Rain participants single-handedly. Luckily, they remained undiscovered as Gaara looked for more targets and finally calmed down.

       Due to the nature of the Chuunin exams, all three were entered into the preliminaries to half the number of winners. Kiba was drawn against Naruto Uzumaki, to both their confidence. Kiba remembered how poor Naruto was in the academy. Facing Naruto with Akamaru by his side he felt a win was a sure thing. Despite flooring Naruto with a beast mimicking style of Taijutsu that made him bleed from the mouth, Naruto rose. Kiba then created a cloud of smoke and used the lack of sight along with Akamaru to keep the advantage to himself. However, Naruto once again stole the advantage back and used a combination of Kage Bunshin and Henge to fool Kiba and capture Akamaru. Insulted, Kiba fed Akamaru a pill that turns his fur red and increases his strength. The two then used a combination technique that makes them both into feral-looking versions of Kiba that boast enhanced speed and strength, double-teaming Naruto with wild scratches and bites, culiminating into a spinning drill attack. Kiba’s confidence only increased after the attack, causing him to taunt that he would be more likely to be Hokage before Naruto.

     However, Naruto’s determination caused him to stand again. Irritated, Kiba and Akamaru proceeded to shred him up even more, throwing more smoke bombs to prevent his escape. However, they halted their assault as Naruto masked himself as one of them. Kiba’s sense of smell proved superior, however, causing him to lash out at the fake. However, the hit clone changed into Akamaru. Instantly, Kiba slammed an even more savage hit into the other, who also slide away and transformed into Akamaru. The first Akamaru then transformed back into Naruto and attacked Kiba, now Akamaru was out of the match entirely thanks to Kiba.

       Kiba resumed his solo assault, becoming fiercer and drawing more blood as revenge for making him hit his own dog, wounding Naruto and severely turning the tide of the match in his own favor. Naruto repeatedly threatened a new move, but Kiba would rush in to finish him off before he can by slipping in for an attack on his blind side. However, Naruto’s nervousness caused him to lose control of his bodily functions inadvertently. Kiba is forced to stagger back, revolted at the smell from his ultra-sensitive nose. Naruto then put him away with an imitation of Sasuke’s own copy of Lee, eliminating Kiba.

     Later, Kiba attended the finals as a spectator, watching over Hinata due to her injuries from her battle with Neji. Her condition worsened, causing an ANBU member to heal her. As Kiba went to thank him, Akamaru began barking, recognizing the ANBU member as someone they had met before. Before Akamaru could be any more specific about his identity, the ANBU member silenced them both to prevent them revealing he was Kabuto. They remained out cold for the duration of the failed invasion.

      Kiba was later added to an impromptu team in a desperation mission to retrieve Sasuke, with him and Akamaru leading the way for their tracking abilities. During the mission, he ended up taking on Sakon, the strongest of Orochimaru’s active bodyguards. Debuting a new technique that transformed himself and Akamaru into a gigantic two-headed lupine beast, he landed a direct hit on Sakon, literally splitting him in half. However, thanks to the power bestowed on Sakon that allowed him to attack in tandem with his conjoined brother, Ukon, they survived and continued to attack. Summoning an equally large gate as a barrier, which they referred to as "Orochimaru’s strongest defense", they were surprised when even though it stopped the beast, it had been dented. Worse still, Akamaru had taken the worst damage, leaving Kiba without a partner.

     Things declined again when Ukon’s demonic face sprouted from Kiba’s shoulder, as he explained their power to manipulate flesh and that while he had merged into Kiba, he would simply tear him apart at a cellular level. In desperation, Kiba drove his kunai into his own abdomen, realizing that sharing the same body would cause damage to Ukon too, forcing him out and allowing Kiba to take Akamaru to escape. The twins pursued Kiba until they cornered him, where assistance luckily arrived in the form of another double-team from Kankurou, who saved Kiba’s life by trapping Ukon (with Sakon in his body) inside a puppet and impaling him. Both Kiba and Akamaru would recover fully from their wounds, mostly due to the care of Kiba’s sister, Hana, an expert in dog care.

      Kiba would feature in a number of anime-exclusive episodes, living up to his usual character as a hot-headed and energetic foil for Naruto. One episode covered his relationship with Akamaru, who had been mutated by a bio-attack of Konoha, the results of which made him much larger in size and more savage. Although the events of the manga occurred first, this would prove ironic as his first appearance in part 2 showed Akamaru to have grown to around 5 times his previous size, enough for Kiba to ride comfortably on his back. Aside from his re-introduction that showed their changes in appearance, neither Kiba nor Akamaru have had another appearance in the manga to date, much to the annoyance of fans of Team 8, which has been proven to be the most underused team in canon.


di 21.29 Diposting oleh Unknown 0 Comments

Physical Information
Age: 16
Sex: Female
Birthday: 12/27
Bloodtype: A
Height: 160 cm
Weight: 45 kg
Bloodline: Byakugan Eye

Ninja Information
Registration ID: 012612
Hidden Village: Leaf
Rank: Chuunin
Team: 8 - Yuuhi Kurenai, Aburame Shino, Inuzuka Kiba + Akamaru

Advancement Data
Academy Grad Age: 12
Chuunin Exam Age: 14
Jutsu: Byakugan, Juuken Ryuu, Shugo Hakke Rokujuuyonshou

Missions Completed
D-Rank: 10
C-Rank: 14
B-Rank: 8
A-Rank: 1
S-Rank: 0

First Manga Appearance: Chapter 34
First Anime Appearance: Episode 1
Name Meaning: Hyuuga=Towards the sun, Hinata=Sunny place
Character Study: Hinata’s main role has been as a quiet supporter for Naruto, acknowledging him long before many others in village did. Her character is that of a timid and shy wallflower, who goes to almost obsessive lengths to follow him around. She is popular among fans, cited as being cute. Naruto and Hinata, while defying a lot of logic and being unlikely to happen, is among the most popular fan pairings despite Naruto not showing interest in her. He does acknowledge her strengths and abilities, which in the end may be enough for her.

 Hyuuga Hinata is a member of the main house of the Hyuuga clan, a noble family living in Konoha. Her first appearance in the series marks her as shy, timid and meek, which changes very little throughout. Hinata is assigned to the 3-man team number 8, comprising of herself, Aburame Shino and Inuzuka Kiba, watched by Jounin sensei Yuuhi Kurenai. With her bloodline’s special ability, the Byakugan or White Eye, she can see far off into the distance and through objects, complimenting Kiba’s sense of smell and Shino’s homing abilities.

     Hinata is first introduced gazing at Naruto, making it known she looks at him with admiration but is too shy to say anything. This becomes a running joke later on, where the mere sight of Naruto can cause her to become paralyzed or faint. Hinata was successfully entered into and participated in the Chuunin Exam, proceeding to the preliminaries for the third round. During their time in the forest of death, she and her team had a near miss with Gaara’s team, witnessing the terrifying power he commanded. It was during the preliminaries that she took her time in the spotlight as the random matches pitted her against her cousin, Neji.

        Neji more proficient at using the Byakugan and the Hyuuga-developed fighting style that used it. Before the match began, he noticed her body language and encouraged her to give up, telling her she wasn’t fit to be a ninja. The two engaged in a stunning hand-to-hand battle of the Juuken Ryuu (Gentle Fist) style, channelling chakra into their hands and along the body’s inner chakra pathways, causing internal damage. Despite their impressive fight, Neji was clearly the better fighter. During the battle, Neji expressed his contempt for the main house, due to him being a branch house member and considered inferior despite his skill. He also declared that Hinata’s inferiority was destined and that a loser would always be such, angering Naruto. Hinata was knocked down multiple times, but each time, thanks to Naruto’s encouragement to beat Neji and make him eat his words, she got back up. Her sensei Kurenai was surprised by Hinata's drive, thinking over how she lacked self-worth and how her lack of confidence led her to fail missions in the past.

     The final straw came when Neji decided to put Hinata down for good with a blow that would have certainly been fatal. Before he could strike, most of the sensei jumped in to stop him. Outraged, Neji further taunted Hinata about how she was receiving mercy because of the preferential treatment the main house received. Despite his attack being stopped, Hinata collapsed anyway, coughing up blood and needing medical attention. It was on her blood that Naruto swore to defeat Neji for his attitude on "dropouts".

      Hinata recovered over the following month. Shortly before the start of the third Chuunin test, she went to the Genin training area to think over her past and her self worth. There she met Naruto, who was unsure of himself before his upcoming battle with Neji. Hinata reassured Naruto that even though he made mistakes he never let them get the better of him. He always pushed to make himself better and he inspired her to never give up as well. This heartened Naruto and he let her know that though he thought she was weird before, he now knows he likes someone like her. Hinata was stunned by the news and stared blankly into space where Naruto had once been. She then left to watch the finals of the exam with Kiba. Hinata was still not fully healed and she began coughing again when Neji began to tell Naruto of their family's past. Kabuto, posing as an ANBU member offered to help her. He used his medical techniques to heal her, why he offered this help is unknown.

     It was during this time we learned of the history of the Hyuuga and how the branch house members are branded with the sealing mark on their foreheads. It was the attempted kidnapping of Hinata by a Cloud ninja which lead to the eventual death of Neji's father Hizashi. Hinata's father Hiashi saved her by killing the Cloud ninja, and Cloud sought recompense for their dead ninja by asking for Hiashi's dead body in return. Hizashi chose to volunteer instead, much to his brother's dismay, all to go against the fate of the branch family. Back at the Chuunin Exam, Hinata remained unconscious during the invasion and from this point onwards, became less involved into the story to the point that her appearances were usually watching Naruto while hidden and silently supporting him.

        Hinata enjoyed a much bigger role in the anime-only episodes, where she invented a new jutsu which combined the techniques Neji knew that she lacked, pioneering the Shugo Hakke Rokujyuyonshou, or Guardian Eight Divination Signs, Sixty-Four Palms of the Hand. Often paired up with and put in embarrassing situations with Naruto yet never developing their relationship, it was mostly fanservice for the popular coupling. She briefly returned in the manga, but only for a moment where upon catching sight of Naruto, she performed her signature fainting.


di 21.24 Diposting oleh Unknown 0 Comments

Physical Information
Age: 16
Sex: Male
Birthday: 09/22
Bloodtype: AB
Height: 170.0 cm
Weight: 53.4 kg

Ninja Information
Registration ID: 012611
Hidden Village: Leaf
Rank: Chuunin
Team: 10 - Akimichi Chouji, Yamanaka Ino, Sarutobi Asuma

Advancement Data
Academy Grad Age: 12
Chuunin Exam Age: 12
Jutsu: Kage Kubi Shibari, Kage Mane, Kage Nui, Kage Mane Shuriken, Kage Yose
Weapons: Asuma's chakra imbuing knives

Missions Completed
D-Rank: 8
C-Rank: 3
B-Rank: 9
A-Rank: 19
S-Rank: 0

First Manga Appearance: Chapter 34
First Anime Appearance: Episode 1
Name Meaning: Nara (Prefecture), Shika=Deer, Maru=Boys name
Note: Shikamaru, takes the part of the Deer in the Hanafuda "Ino(Boar), Shika(Deer), Chou(Butterfly)" card combo hand.
Character Study: One of the most analytical minds in the series, Shikamaru relies on his brains rather than an extensive or powerful jutsu repertoire. It's this mind that helps him become the first Chuunin among his age group and one of the few Leaf to take out an Akatsuki member one on one.

 Nara Shikamaru is a member of Team 10, along with Yamanaka Ino and Akimichi Chouji, watched by Asuma Sarutobi.

     Shikamaru is chronically lazy, refusing to even pick up a pencil to take a test because he found it so boring. He has a catchphrase of sorts, "Mendoukusei" which is frequently translated into English as variants of "This sucks…" or "What a drag!", furthering his frustrations with many situations. Being from the Nara family, he is able to use his shadow in a special manner. The shadow will move across the ground as though another light source were present, even altering shape completely, until it touches the shadow of another person. For around 5 minutes or so, the victim will lose control of most of their body, only able to speak on their own. Otherwise, their every movement will match Shikamaru, allowing him to control them. Shikamaru would rather relax and look at the clouds, than expend any energy doing school work. His general desire is to marry, make a good living and be able to retire, successful and happy with himself and die before his wife.

      Shikamaru was on hand to delay the Sound Trio in the Chuunin exams, stopping Dosu Kinuta from interfering for a brief time. While his technique wasn’t entirely effective, it bought enough time for more help to arrive. Later, in the preliminaries, he used it once again when he was randomly selected against another of the Sound Trio, Kin Tsuchi. Shikamaru captured her with his shadow and drew a shuriken, forcing Kin to do the same. After flinging it, neither had a choice about avoiding it. However, Shikamaru was in the open while Kin was near a wall. As he bended backwards to avoid it, Kin copied the movement and drove her head into the wall behind her, knocking herself out. The sneaky action earned Shikamaru a spot in the finals and the chance at Chuunin promotion.

      Upon reaching the finals, Shikamaru was placed against a kunoichi from the Hidden Sand Village, Temari. Temari was, like him, a keen analyst and had an extremely powerful attack, blasting gusts of cutting wind at him from out of his shadow’s reach. The battle was more of a war of wits than violence, with Shikamaru first using the shadow coming from the stadium’s walls to add to the length his own shadow could stretch, forcing Temari to second-guess her range. Still in control, Temari battered him with more wind, forcing him to retreat. Hiding, Shikamaru took up a kneeling stance. At this point, spectators assumed he was preparing for a jutsu to counterattack. However, his teacher knew better.

      Shikamaru’s laziness hides his true strength, an IQ that reaches over 200 and a way of thinking that places him ahead of someone else, easily allowing him to set up traps. With Temari now confident in her range being safe, he once again extended his shadow, removing his jacket and forehead protector to make a parachute that floated towards Temari, allowing him to lengthen his shadow once more, forcing Temari to once more reassess the situation. However, as she prepared for her own final move, she suddenly found herself bound by his shadow… thinking two steps ahead, Shikamaru had been using his attempts to lengthen his shadow to effectively lure Temari over to a hole in the ground that had been created earlier in the finals. The darkness provided by the tunnel leading into it allowed him to sneak the shadow behind her. With his checkmate in place, Shikamaru then raised his hand… and gave up. Realizing that he was only able to hold Temari with the shadow for a tiny length of time longer, it would be better to cut his losses instead of risk being helpless and close up to her. It was this action that would later see him promoted to Chuunin as someone who would not endanger his charges for the sake of a mission.

      When the invasion occurred, the mass-sleep spell Kabuto had cast was cancelled, but due to his laziness, he feigned sleep to avoid being dragged into combat, much to the annoyance of Sakura. When Kakashi summoned a dog, Pakkun, to assist them in tracking, Shikamaru was "encouraged" to go along by permission to touch his paw-pads. When Shikamaru was not swayed, the dog tried another method and succeeded by biting him. As they chased Gaara and Sasuke, they noticed that they were being tracked. Shikamaru’s intellect once again helped as he gathered a bundle of sticks and used them to leave a red herring by mimicking Pakkun’s paw prints and buying time. Although it didn’t throw them off for long, Shikamaru decided he would buy more time by sacrificing himself, holding the pursuers with his shadows until he was no longer able to bind them. When everything looked bleak, Asuma appeared to save his life.

       The aftermath of the incident saw Shikamaru being promoted to Chuunin, but with a different outlook on Temari, not as a female but as a respected analyst. His leadership would be tested shortly later when an impromptu team was formed to return Sasuke. Arranging a formation based on everyone’s special skills, he managed to follow the Sound Four and outwit their main powerhouse, Jiroubou, by faking the desire to save his own skin and discovering the weak point of the prison he made. Shortly later, he was separated from the group and put into a one-on-one scenario with the illusion specialist, Tayuya.

      Tayuya’s main strength was her flute, which could be used to summon and control a trio of vicious chakra ogres. The ogres were capable of releasing phantasmal parasites from their mouths which ate away at a person, though incorporeal. With no way to overpower the entities, Shikamaru once again out-thought his opponent by setting up a 9-step sequence, much like a Rube-Goldberg mechanism, to capture all three of the ogres with his shadow. Tayuya was astounded, thinking he had figured out what the notes of her melody did. Shikamaru corrected her, saying that he was watching how the movements of her ogres corresponded with her fingers on the flute. With her ogres no longer being an option, Tayuya pushed herself further and fully activated her cursed seal and trapped Shikamaru in a torturous illusion.

       As Shikamaru sat in a state of shock, Tayuya approached him ready to kill him, picking up a weapon. However, Shikamaru had already broken the illusion by dislocating his finger, waiting for her to walk closer because she had previously boasted that the only weapon she needed was her flute. Now she was in range, he began to his lethal variation of his jutsu, trying to make his shadow reach her neck and strangle her. At the same time, she was about to stab him, forcing him to split his efforts between killing her and using his shadow to hold her hand back. Just as his strength wore off, Temari appeared on official orders to assist him, summoning a kamaitachi (a mythical weasel associated with sickles, that cuts using wind and was responsible for one of her jutsu names) to cut down the forest around Tayuya. Her crushed corpse was seen in the rubble, increasing Shikamaru’s admiration for Temari.

     However, after the mission, Shikamaru grieved upon hearing two of his subordinates Chouji and Neji, one a close friend, had been critically wounded. Temari, followed by his father, gave him the words he needed to hear instead of what he wanted to. He made a tearful promise that next time; he’d do a better job.

     One of Shikamaru’s roles in the anime-exclusive episodes was taking his team-mates out on their second mission since the rescue attempt, successfully detaining the Legendary Stupid Brothers long enough for Tsunade to arrive. Since their level of physical strength was not too far below Tsunade’s, it took a combined effort of physical, magical and even mental restraint from the whole team to delay their rampage.

        Shikamaru was shown very early in Part 2 of the manga, now given an official position as a Chuunin Examiner. He was also to meet with Temari, who was eventually given the counterpart of his position in her own village, meaning the two met for official business while arranging the new Chuunin Exam. When Naruto was being "attacked" by Sai, Shikamaru displayed a new offensive skill, allowing him to raise his shadow from the ground as a solid object and use it as a fast-moving piercing tentacle.

      Shikamaru next battled Akatsuki’s team of Hidan and Kakuzu, two people that boasted near-immortality, yet he came to understand the weaknesses of Hidan and exploit them multiple times. However, he could not stop Hidan from using his divine curse to kill his team leader Sarutobi Asuma. Shikamaru began smoking to honor his fallen sensei and planned to not give it up until he was avenged. He also took ownership of Asuma's chakra absorbing knives. These knives allowed Shikamaru to imbue his shadow chakra into a "pin" which could stick into his opponent's shadow and bind them. He used these new skills and other preparations alongside his teammates when they sought revenge again Hidan and Kakuzu. After tracking them down, Shikamaru himself would get his chance, going one on one with the skilled Hidan in a rematch.

     Shikamaru led Hidan away from the others. There he carefully played out his trap, using all the knowledge he gained from Asuma's battle to ensure he didn't share the same fate. Ignoring Hidan's boasts, Shikamaru managed to bind Hidan and cover him in explosive tags. Then using Asuma's lighter and cigarette's he lit one. Shikamaru then imagined the smoke coalescing into Asuma, who congratulated him and passed his Will of Fire on to the young man. Shikamaru coldly stated that Hidan dug his own grave when he killed his sensei. He then flicked the lit cigarette which struck the explosive tags, blowing Hidan to pieces. Shikamaru returned to Konoha and spoke with Kurenai, telling her how Asuma was always there for him, like he would be there for her baby. The pregnant Kurenai thanked him, as she and Asuma were married. Shikamaru would make sure her baby was looked after like Asuma watched over him.

        Shikamaru relates heavily with Chouji, to the point that the two can be considered the best of friends after Shikamaru overlooked Chouji’s weight as a child. While Shikamaru initially dislikes women, mostly thanks to the bossy and bratty attitude that Ino shows and the petty squabbles Sakura gets into (alongside his mother’s temper), he is gradually dropping his prejudices after a word from his father and his mutual respect for Temari. Temari is also paired with him frequently by fans, citing their shared analytical skills and respect, now strengthened by their frequent liaisons on official business. However, the two have rarely shown any intimacy towards each other and are, as far as Kishimoto has drawn, little more than mutual admirers of one another. Shikamaru’s popularity among fans is also immense ranking high in many polls.


di 21.13 Diposting oleh Unknown 0 Comments

Physical Information
Age: 30
Sex: Male
Birthday: 09/15
Bloodtype: O
Height: 181.0 cm
Weight: 67.5 kg

Ninja Information
Registration ID: 009720
Hidden Village: Leaf
Rank: Jounin
Team (student): Uchiha Obito, Rin, Namikaze Minato
Team (sensei): 7 - Uzumaki Naruto, Sai, Haruno Sakura, Uchiha Sasuke (Former)

Advancement Data
Academy Grad Age: 5
Chuunin Exam Age: 6
Jounin Age: 13
Jutsu: Raikiri (Chidori), Rasengan, Kage Bunshin, Kamui, Tajuu Kage Bunshin, Sharingan, Mangekyou Sharingan, Fuuja Houin, Shunshin, Mizu Bunshin, Dog Kuchiyose, Ayatsuito, Suikoudan, Suijinheki, Tsuiga, Daibakufu, Doryuuheki, Shinjuu Zanshu , Suijinheki, Suiryuudan, Sennen Goroshi, Narakumi
Known Elements: Doton, Raiton, Suiton, [Katon & Hyouton (Anime only)]

Missions Completed
D-Rank: 197
C-Rank: 190
B-Rank: 414
A-Rank: 298
S-Rank: 42

First Manga Appearance: Chapter 1
First Anime Appearance: Episode 1
Name Meaning: Hatake=Dry field, Kakashi=Scarecrow
Character Study: The highly popular and aloof Kakashi initially acts as the character exhibiting the most ninja-like qualities in the series. By using his keen mind and jutsu knowledge, he's able to hold his own to some extent with other powerful characters. Because his Sharingan is not his own, he often is sent to the hospital to recover from extended usage. Receiving the Sharingan marked a turning point in his life. The words and actions of his teammate Obito allowed him to accept the suicide of his father and learn what it means to protect your friends.

 Kakashi is one of the series’ more popular characters and it’s easy to see why. With his lazy expression told with a single eye, aloof manner, relaxed voice and minimalist attitude, Kakashi can be relied upon to provide comic relief through his lack of attention. However, when required to be serious, Kakashi quickly switches to the polar opposite, focusing himself on the subject and not missing a single thing.

     Many, both inside the ninja village and outside, know his reputation but he has few real friends. The closest he has is Might Guy, another Jounin team leader. The pair forms a good comedy duo, with Kakashi assuming the role of the straight arrow while Guy’s over-the-top dialogue and actions often earn him a response in the vein of “Did you say something?” from Kakashi. Guy describes Kakashi as hip, cool and trendy but seems to be the main instigator of their rivalry, often making the situation more complicated and unusual than necessary.

   Kakashi is the son of Hatake Sakumo; a ninja blessed with extreme skill which earned himself the nickname of Konoha’s White Fang. This was either due to his sharply pointed white hair or the family tanto he carried, which emitted a white chakra when used by a Hatake. Kakashi himself would later possess this. Sakumo’s reputation was comparable with that of The Legendary Three but his attitude proved to be his undoing. Sakumo aborted a mission that cost his village dearly, with the reason for the abortion being the safety of his comrades. Shamed, Sakumo took his own life. Kakashi grew up with a very cold attitude, basing efficiency in carrying out the mission to be the #1 priority.

  Kakashi accomplished a lot in the younger years of his life. He was the student of the man who would go on to become the Fourth Hokage, taking over that man’s role as commander of his team. His reputation has been widely increased thanks to an unexpected advantage coming from the first mission he performed as a Jounin. During a war, Kakashi’s objective was to destroy a bridge that aided the enemy Rock ninja forces. In an encounter with them, the team’s medic, Rin, was kidnapped and interrogated by the enemy. Kakashi, seeing her as a hindrance to the team, made the decision to leave her. However, his other companion, Uchiha Obito, refused and rejected his ideals.

“Those who don’t follow the rules and regulations are trash”. Kakashi lived by the motto. “But those who don’t care about their companions are worse than trash!” Obito added to it. Obito set off on his own to rescue Rin, but Kakashi followed him and saved him from an ambush, which cost Kakashi his left eye. Obito felt consumed by doubt and in a vow to protect his friend, his eyes lit up in red and the Sharingan sprouted for the first time with a pair in each eye. His enhanced vision penetrated the enemy’s camouflage and he was able to strike him down. 

Catching up to Rin, the pair ran into another enemy, who attempted to kill all three by crushing them with falling rocks. As one was about to strike Kakashi, Obito slung him aside and took the hit instead. Totally crushed on his right side, Obito knew his death was imminent and made the decision to have his left eye removed and implanted into Kakashi by Rin. Kakashi accepted it and sought revenge on the Rock ninja. The battle broke the tanto in half, perhaps symbolic of Kakashi’s heartlessly efficient motto only being half correct. Kakashi then fell back on the perfected version of his first self-created move: Chidori.

     The Rock ninja was taken down, but reinforcements soon arrived. Fortunately the kunai Kakashi was carrying was modified to alert their sensei if it was thrown. Blanking out from exhaustion after he attempted Chidori, Kakashi awoke to find all the enemies gone and the team leader with them once more. Rin gazed off into the distance, thinking about the events of the day. Since the loss of Obito, Kakashi took on several of his personality traits. He started to relax the strictness of his punctuality and also made up poor yet amusing excuses for being late. In truth, visiting the grave marker of Obito every day caused his lateness. He also decided that the mission was no longer the #1 priority.

     In the coming years, Kakashi would acquire his own nickname – Copy Ninja Kakashi, due to him using the ability of the Sharingan to steal or adapt techniques he saw with it. He would also join the elite ANBU, a squad of masked ninja who worked directly under the Hokage. Kakashi further honed his skills while an ANBU, and earned the respect of many fellow ANBU including "Yamato" and Uzuki Yuugao. It also appears it was during this period when Kakashi and Guy developed their eternal rivalry. At some point during this period he may have also signed his blood oath with his nin-dogs.

     His next appearance in the series would come when the Third Hokage put him in charge of the current year’s Team Seven. His first impression of them wasn’t much, especially when Naruto decided to wedge a dusty chalk eraser in the door to come down on Kakashi’s head. The trio would be the first Genin to impress Kakashi enough to pass his bell test. None of the former Genin sent to him in the past had lived up to his standards. For that reason the trio could remain under his guidance and not be sent back to the Academy. Kakashi formed a good relationship with his team, acting as a voice of reason to Naruto, a comfort to Sakura and somewhat of a father figure to Sasuke, although much of his advice was tough love to cool down the fiery boy. Overall, he stressed a hybrid of his previous two mottos – Teamwork, with the strength of the solid team coming together to accomplish the mission.

     Their first major mission together was to the Wave Country, where they were escorting the architect, Tazuna. Tazuna’s goal was to build a bridge to improve the economy for the country instead of paying the high prices charged by the shipping magnate, Gato, who had formed a monopoly on the country’s imports and exports. Gato had hired a number of renegade mercenary ninja, including the Demon Brothers, their superior, Momochi Zabuza and his young student and bodyguard, Haku. Kakashi defeated the Demon Brothers effortlessly and later brushed with Zabuza for the first time. Kakashi revealed his Sharingan and baffled Zabuza with it, cornering him. At this point, a disguised Haku rescued Zabuza under the façade of killing him and taking the body for disposal.

     Kakashi was unconvinced, but drained from using the Sharingan. The eye was not properly compatible with his own body and use of it sucked out his chakra and left him weak. Despite this, he still managed to set a task for Naruto and Sasuke to compete to enhance their chakra control. When the trio did the task he was nicely surprised that Sakura was already at a decent enough level. A short while later Kakashi learned his hunch was right, as Zabuza returned with Haku to once again sabotage the bridge. Kakashi’s Sharingan was unable to have an effect on the battle as Zabuza had lowered visibility to the point that the required eye contact was not happening.

     Naruto and Sasuke had been trapped by Haku, until Naruto’s rage built up to the point that Kakashi was growing worried from the presence of the Kyuubi’s chakra. Feeling the need to finish the fight, he held Zabuza with the aid of a group of summoned dogs, before preparing his finishing move – now bearing a nickname, the Raikiri. However, instead of killing Zabuza, Haku sacrificed himself as a human shield and gladly allowed Kakashi’s hand to penetrate his chest.

     Gato turned up to finalize things, just after Kakashi had disabled Zabuza’s arms. Following a change of heart, Zabuza turned on his employer and killed him in front of his own personal band of mercenaries. Kakashi and Naruto helped drive the rest of them off with a massive series of clones, before returning home.

Kakashi      Soon after, Kakashi volunteered Team 7 for the Chuunin exams, to Iruka’s dismay. Kakashi would next appear during the exams after Sasuke’s first fight; using an incantation to suppress the Cursed Seal he had been given. As he finished, Orochimaru appeared behind the scenes. Kakashi threatened him with a Raikiri, but realized that to take on Orochimaru would be suicide. However, he was not satisfied with the attention Sasuke was under and checked on him just in time to see Kabuto attempting an assassination. Kakashi drove him away, but with no time to apprehend him. Perhaps for Sasuke’s own safety, Kakashi personally tutored him over the next month or so, teaching him the Chidori and encouraging the speed to use it.

     Kakashi and Sasuke would resurface in the Chuunin Exam finals, “fashionably late”. During the fight with Gaara, Sasuke pulled off the Chidori and became the first person in years to make Gaara bleed. However, the resulting instability on Gaara’s part forced the start of the planned invasion and the stadium in which the fight took place was almost entirely put to sleep. Kakashi, Guy and a few others repelled the sleep and the attacking enemy forces while sending out a small team of Genin to track Sasuke, who was already pursuing Gaara.

     The war took its toll on Konoha, but something far worse was about to occur. Kakashi witnessed an attack on Asuma and Kurenai, quickly blocking a critical move by copying it and nullifying it quickly. The perpetrators were Kisame and Konoha’s own Itachi. The two seemed equally matched in skill until Itachi tried a Genjutsu technique. Kakashi attempted to fight it off, but fell prey to something beyond anything he’d ever encountered before, being put through mental torture lasting three days, suffering the imagined pain of being stabbed over and over. Luckily for him, his friend and rival Guy turned up with an ANBU squad, but Kakashi was severely traumatized before they left again.

Kakashi      Ironically, Sasuke had suffered a similar action at Itachi’s hands, before lashing out at Naruto and Sakura. Kakashi stopped both Naruto and Sasuke before they killed each other in a duel, realizing they were using the Rasengan and Chidori with serious intent. Jiraiya and he both blamed each other for teaching their students such dangerous techniques, but Kakashi went on to address Sasuke personally. When Sasuke began to show signs of unruly behavior, including threatening to murder Kakashi’s close ones to show him how he felt, Kakashi revealed everyone close to him was already dead. Despite this, Sasuke still took off. When word of the event reached Kakashi, he disobeyed Tsunade, who had set him another mission and sent his dogs to track Sasuke down. However, by the time Kakashi arrived, he found an unconscious Naruto and no Sasuke. Carrying Naruto back to the village was all he could do.

     Roughly 2.5 years after the defection, Naruto returned home and alongside Sakura, met up with Kakashi once more. Kakashi was given the latest in his favorite series of adult novels, before sparring against Sakura and Naruto in a mock of the old bell-test. However, Naruto’s cunning overcame Kakashi when the boy shouted out spoilers to the novel, distracting Kakashi and allowing the youngsters to gain their bells. The peace was sadly short-lived as a message came through from the Wind Country that Akatsuki had struck there, with the request for help.

     A surprise awaited him there as he was near instantly attacked by one of the residents of the village, the old lady Chiyo. Mistaking Kakashi for Sakumo, who had killed her own son several years ago, Chiyo apologized due to the heavy resemblance between Kakashi and Sakumo. Taking her with them, the team of Kakashi, Sakura, Naruto and Chiyo set off to trail Gaara. On the way to the neighboring River Country, they encountered an Akatsuki member… none other than Itachi. However, Kakashi noticed something different about him and took a moment to speak of the Mangekyou Sharingan which he had suffered to badly from before. When Kakashi discussed the weaknesses of it, Itachi looked on in shock and uttered “…Impossible…”

Kakashi      The team of four managed to bring Itachi down, with Naruto striking the final blow. However, as Itachi began to die, his shape began to change and the corpse was that of Yuura, an agent of Sasori and a former Hidden Sand ninja. It would later be explained that the Itachi they faced was Yuura possessed and transformed into what was essentially a duplicate of Itachi with all his memories, thought patterns and personality.

     Team Seven made it to the rendezvous point outside Akatsuki’s base of operations, a large cave. However, as soon as they entered, the Akatsuki member responsible for abducting Gaara, Deidara, sat with his partner, Sasori in wait. Deidara was sitting on an apparently dead Gaara, but as soon as Naruto charged in, Deidara took off, taking Gaara’s corpse with him. At that point, Sakura and Chiyo stayed behind to deal with Sasori while Naruto and Kakashi pursued the airborne Deidara, flying away with the corpse on a huge animated clay bird. Eventually, Naruto and Kakashi got close to Deidara, but Kakashi told Naruto to hold back. Frustrated, Naruto complied until Kakashi finally pulled his trump card, opening his left eye… with a version of the Mangekyou Sharingan.

Slowly, the space around Deidara’s arm began to compress and was crushed into nothing, severing his right arm, despite Kakashi commenting on his inexperience with it leading to the move being faulty. A few moments later, the Sharingan collapsed back into the usual design, but bought Naruto enough time to reclaim Gaara’s corpse and begin attacking Deidara directly with his clones, until his knuckles bled from punching Deidara. Eventually, Naruto’s rage boiled over and he manifested into the shape of the Kyuubi with bubbling red chakra, sprouting a second tail from his back. Kakashi noticed the change and upon remembering a warning from Jiraiya, used a tag that the sage had prepared in case Naruto went too far to seal up the Kyuubi’s power.

     Meanwhile, Deidara watched from a distance, but was found by Neji’s Byakugan. Chased by Guy’s team, he managed to escape to the remains of his clay bird and swallowed a piece of his exploding clay, planning to use his suicidal attack to wipe out both teams. As the disgustingly obese Deidara inflated with the power of the explosion building, Kakashi managed to use up his last reserves to once again manipulate space, containing and suppressing the explosion from the current dimension. Finally, Kakashi was rather embarrassingly carried home from the Sand Village on Guy’s back. The strain of the Mangekyou Sharingan had taken such a toll on him that he was hospitalized and temporarily replaced by another ninja as the team leader. Under Tsunade’s decision, the ANBU member codenamed Yamato took his place on a mission to meet another of Sasori’s subordinates.

     Upon their return, Kakashi was informed of the events of the mission, including the increased skill that Sasuke had learned. After greeting Sasuke’s replacement on the team, Sai, Kakashi announced he had been spending all his time in bed thinking about things. His conclusion was that the only solution was to match Sasuke in power, but Naruto would be the only candidate for training. However, if Naruto were able to complete the training, his skill may not only equal Sasuke, but also perhaps even surpass Kakashi’s own…


di 20.31 Diposting oleh Unknown 0 Comments

Ima dekinakute mo aseranaide awatenaide
Kimi no MY PACE de jibun shinjite yukkuri ikeba ii
Konoyo wa hitosu jinawa de wa
Ikanai sore wa nazenara
Kamisama ga tsukutta
TEST dakara muzukashii nda
Bunkei Rikei Mushiru doutoku
Kimi nara kore o dou toku
Kore wa marude jinsei
Dakara uchikomu shinken ni
Bokura wa nayamu mayou
Nando mo jibun ni toikakeru
Hitotsu janai kotae sagashi
Gamushara ni oikakeru
Ima dekinakute mo aseranaide awatenaide
Kimi no MY PACE de jibun shinjite yukkuri ikeba ii
Sora yo umi yo kimi mo onaji you ni nayanderu no kai
Kaze yo taiyou kimi mo hito shirezu naite iru no kai
Osoreru koto wa nai yo shippai sono tsugi ga shoubu We Fight
Kizu darake no touan ga iki ta akashi sou nanda  Haji o kai te mo kesa nai de tsukawa naide keshigomu
Mushiro hitotsu hitotsu no omoi o nejikomu
Bokura wa nayamu mayou
Nando mo jibun ni toikakeru
Hitotsu janai kotae sagashi
Gamushara ni oikakeru
Ima dekinakute mo aseranaide awatenaide
Kimi no MY PACE de jibun shinjite yukkuri ikeba ii
Hakushi no kami ni mirai wo kaki konde
Sono pende ten wo sende musubu
Kimi dake no ansaa
Mirai no boku nara ima no boku ni oshiete agerareru
Kimi no doryoku ga jishin ni
Kawaru toki made oitsudzukereba ii
Ima dekinakute mo aseranaide awatenaide
Kimi no MY PACE de jibun shinjite yukkuri ikeba ii

di 20.18 Diposting oleh Unknown 0 Comments

kinou sukoshi kami wo kitta
iwanakereba kitto
dare mo kizukanai darou kedo
nankagetsu ka bunno watashi ga yuka ni
okkochita no mita

me wo tojite kikoete kita ame no oto
kumo no ue demo kitto HASAMI mochi dashite
hikari wo matteiru

jitensha jitensha jitensha jitensha jitensha
koide koide koide koide koide iku yo
imasugu imasugu imasugu imasugu imasugu
jitensha jitensha koide
ano hito ni ai ni yukou

kinou mita eiga no ONE SCENE
machikado no STORY
naita kanojo ga totemo KIREI
souzou yori chotto kanashii END ROLL
ame ni kakushiteta no

itsudatte kizuku no ga ososugita
kumo no ue de wa zutto mukai kaze sasotte
watashi wo matteiru

jitensha jitensha jitensha jitensha jitensha
koide koide koide koide iku yo
imasugu imasugu imasugu imasugu imasugu
jitensha jitensha koide
ano hito ni ai ni yukou

jitensha jitensha jitensha jitensha jitensha
koide koide koide koide iku yo
imasugu imasugu imasugu imasugu imasugu
jitensha jitensha koide
ano hito ni ai ni yukou

di 20.01 Diposting oleh Unknown 0 Comments

The Hyuuga clan were one of the founding noble families of Leaf village. The clan itself is said to be the ancestors of the Uchiha clan who possess the bloodline of the Sharingan eye. Each clan member possess the "Byakugan" or "White Eye." When the "Byakugan" is activated, the clan member gains an extra-sensory perception, which gives them penetrating sight and telescopic vision. This allows them to see the internal chakra circulation system in other beings. This vision also grants the member a near 360° view of their surroundings. The higher the skill of the clan member, the further the distance from which they can sense incoming attacks. Unfortunately the vision does have a weakness, a small blindspot that extends outwards from their upper back.

The clan uses this ability in conjunction with their own chakra creating the Juuken (gentle fist) fighting style. By focusing the chakra to their finger tips, they can press the tenketsu or chakra pressure points of their opponents body. When the finger nears the tenketsu the chakra is forced out, collasping the targetted tenketsu for a period of time. The tenketsu serve as the connectors and exit points for the chakra pathways. So when they are stopped by the Hyuuga clan member, the ninja greatly loses his or her ability to utilize their chakra for jutsu.

These great powers lead to internal strife within the family. Because the eye grants such a unique and powerful ability, the clan became possessive and over-protective of it. Seeing only the main family as worthy users and inheritors of the eye, the heads of the clan began to place restrictions on those branch family members not in power. What resulted were two Hyuuga lines, the powerful main family who would represent the line, and the branch family who were directed to protect the main family and bear the cursed seal.

The cursed seal is placed on the foreheads of branch family members. It serves as a means to protect the secrets of the Hyuuga Byakugan eye. If the branch family member was to ever betray the main family or be killed in battle, the seal would be activated to destroy the body's secrets. Thus forcing the branch family to further bow to the will of the main family.

di 19.54 Diposting oleh Unknown 0 Comments

koko ni aru no wa
kimi ga ima made eranda michi no
kotae tachi yo
hora jishin motte susumeba ii
totemo shizen na no
ame agari no ASUFARUTO ni
niji ga kakaru you ni

Lonely kaze ga fuite
Feeling ki ga tsuita yo
kotae wa doko ni mo nai kedo
Call me wakatteru wa
With you ai wa itsumo
atae au mono

For you
kitto kimi wa itsu no hi ka
kono sora wo toberu hazu dakara
nando tsumazuita toshite mo
For you
taisetsu na koto wa hitotsu
yume miru koto
kokoro dake wa tozasanai de ite

kizutsuite mo namida korae
gaman shiteta yo ne?
sonna kimi wo ichiban chikaku de
mita kite kara
nani mo iwanakute mo
wakatteru yo
donna toki mo ganbatteta koto

Runaway mayotta nara
Try again nando datte
yarinaosu koto dekiru kara
I'm here soba ni iru wa
Believing osorenai de
shinji au koto

For you
kitto *kimi wa itsu no hi ka*
kono sora wo toberu hazu dakara
nando kizutsuita toshite mo
For you
taisetsu na koto wa hitotsu
yume miru koto
hitomi dake wa osorasanai de ite

kimi ga egaku yuuki ga hora
kakegae no nai takaramono ni kawaru yo
ima ryoute hiroge Fly high

kitto kimi wa itsu no hi ka
kono sora wo toberu hazu dakara
nando kizutsuita toshite mo
For you
taisetsu na koto wa hitotsu
yume miru koto
kokoro dake wa tozasanai de ite

di 07.20 Diposting oleh Unknown 0 Comments

Normal Uchiha Clan Member Eye

The normal eye for an Uchiha clan member resembles any normal human eye with iris, pupil and sclera.

 Sharingan partially activated - One Comma

 This is the first variation of a partially developed Sharingan eye. The clan members pupil will turn red and develop one of the wheel swirls. When Uchiha Sasuke finally activated his Sharingan, his left eye took this form.

Sharingan partially activated - Two Comma

  This is the second variation of a partially developed Sharingan eye. The clan members pupil will turn red and develop two of the wheel swirls. When Uchiha Sasuke finally activated his Sharingan, his right eye took this form.

Sharingan fully activated - Three Comma

This is the final normal form of the Sharingan eye. The clan members pupil will turn red and develop three of the wheel swirls in both eyes. In this form the clan member can read Genjutsu, Taijutsu and Ninjutsu, learn how the skill is done and then copy it to be used later. This form can also initiate the Mangekyou "Kaleidoscope" form.

Sharingan - Uchiha Itachi Mangekyou (Kaleidoscope) Form

  This is the rare Mangekyou (Kaleidoscope) form which is said to only appear in a few Uchiha members. Uchiha Itachi was able to finally master this form during the period he killed his clan. In this form Itachi is able to use the Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi Doujutsu techniques.

Sharingan - Hatake Kakashi Mangekyou (Kaleidoscope) Form

  This Mangekyou Sharingan form was revealed by non-Uchiha clan member Hatake Kakashi. Whether this form is due to Kakashi or some inheritance from what Uchiha Obito was capable of is unknown. Using the eye, Kakashi can use a technique which appears to collapse space in around a focus point and transport it to another location.

Sharingan - Uchiha Madara Mangekyou (Kaleidoscope) Form

  This Mangekyou Sharingan form was attained by Uchiha Madara. After developing the Sharingan, Madara and his younger brother trained against one another and eventually awakened their own version of the Mangekyou. The use of these eyes increased the brothers' strength and allowed them to take over leadership of the clan. Unfortunately the usage of the eyes lead Madara to lose his vision.

Sharingan - Uchiha Izuna's Mangekyou (Kaleidoscope) Form

  This Mangekyou Sharingan form was attained by Uchiha Madara's younger brother Izuna. After developing the Sharingan, both brothers trained against one another and eventually awakened their own version of the Mangekyou. The use of these eyes increased the brothers' strength and allowed them to take over leadership of the clan.

 Sharingan - Uchiha Madara's Eternal Mangekyou (Kaleidoscope) Form

 Unable to accept being blind, Madara did everything he could to regain his vision. A desperate Madara eventually removed his brother's eyes to use as his own. As a result, Madara awakened a new more powerful set of eyes which allowed him to see the light once again. This new eye form would combine the look of both he and his brother's Mangekyou Sharingan.

Sharingan - Uchiha Sasuke's Mangekyou (Kaleidoscope) Form

  Itachi sought to protect his younger brother from Uchiha Madara. To that end he used a jutsu to implant his Mangekyou and its techniques into Sasuke. When Sasuke's Mangekyou was initially activated, it resembled the version seen in Itachi, due to Itachi's sealing of Amaterasu into Sasuke's eye as a defense mechanism. Later Sasuke's Mangekyou took on its own look. Even though it bore a new shape, Sasuke was still able to utilize Amaterasu.

di 07.02 Diposting oleh Unknown 0 Comments

Physical Information
Age: 16
Sex: Female
Birthday: 09/23
Bloodtype: B
Height: 162.2 cm
Weight: 46.0 kg

Ninja Information
Registration ID: 012604
Hidden Village: Leaf
Rank: Chuunin
Team: Asuma Sarutobi, Nara Shikamaru, Akimichi Chouji

Advancement Data
Academy Grad Age: 12
Chuunin Exam Age: 14
Jutsu: Shintenshin, Shinranshin, Shousen

Missions Completed
D-Rank: 23
C-Rank: 9
B-Rank: 6
A-Rank: 2
S-Rank: 0

First Manga Appearance: Chapter 34
First Anime Appearance: Episode 1
Name Meaning: Yamanaka= Among the Mountains, Ino= Boar or a Sign of the Zodiac
Note: Ino, takes the part of the Boar in the Hanafuda "Ino(Boar), Shika(Deer), Chou(Butterfly)" card combo hand.
Character Study: Being introduced as Sakura's chief rival, Ino has renewed her friendship with Sakura. Ino continues to focus on fashion and self-image but remains a loyal friend to her comrades. And though she has followed a similar skill development path as Sakura, she has not shown the same level of improvement as her friend.

   Yamanaka Ino is a member of Team 10, with Nara Shikamaru, Akimichi Chouji and sensei Sarutobi Asuma. Ino is a friend and rival of Haruno Sakura, having first befriended her in the ninja academy where kunoichi were trained to use feminine traits to go undercover. Noticing Sakura was being bullied by classmates for her forehead, Ino defended her by scaring the bullies off with "poisonous" flowers. Ino is very deeply versed on flowers, as her parents are florists. As the girls grew older, their affections both turned to the same boy and they declared themselves competitors for the affection of Uchiha Sasuke.

      Ino is introduced to the series as having a bitter and petty squabble with Sakura, jealous at how she was placed on Sasuke’s team. Her personality is viewed as domineering and loud, one of the reasons Shikamaru is reluctant to approach women. However, later, she is the one who leads her team into protecting the lone Sakura from a vicious assault by the Sound Trio; Dosu, Zaku and Kin. Although the combined efforts of her team failed to keep the trio at bay for long, it bought Sasuke enough time to recover and dispatch them after dislocating Zaku’s arms. Noticing Sakura had sliced her hair off to free herself during the handicap struggle, Ino offers to trim her hair and make it look presentable. While taking her aside to do so, she also growls about showing off in front of Sasuke, becoming even more frustrated when Sakura replies that she simply took the initiative.

      Despite their brief display of bonding, fate once again tore at them when the random selection machine pitted them against each other in the Chuunin exam preliminary rounds. The two fought fiercely, reflecting on their changing status. To show their dedication, they both put their forehead protectors on in the traditional manner, going at each other for a second time. Things seemed bleak when Ino taunted Sakura about having no unique moves to use, then used deception as she cut her own long hair off, secretly using her chakra to turn her sliced strands into rope to tie Sakura down to ensure an accurate mark for her signature technique, Shintenshin, which would suppress Sakura’s personality and allow Ino to control her body. However, when Ino wandered into Sakura’s mind, she encountered a repressed version of Sakura’s true emotions, the "Inner Sakura", which forced her out. A double KO ended the battle as both of them collided with simultaneous blows.

      Ino later showed up as a spectator for the exam’s finals. She and Chouji watched on as Shikamaru surprisingly gave up his match. Chouji foresaw the event, but Ino was blindsided by his choice. A short time after Ino was trapped under Kabuto’s mass sleeping spell and was unconscious for most of the Sand and Sound invasion. She also played a small role in giving Chouji some encouragement before the rescue mission that he and Shikamaru were given, mostly on girls and his weight. This would mark her last main appearance in part 1 of the manga.

      The anime-exclusive episodes gave her some more screen time. Ino was on hand with her usual team to apprehend two major criminals, the Legendary Stupid Brothers, stopping them in their tracks with a more potent mind-controlling skill learned from her father. Ino also joined Anko on a mission to investigate rumors of a sea monster, but ended up a damsel in distress for a large part of the mission, coming through at the end to cause the incapacitation of Tsurugi Misumi by tying his own arms around support pillars, which then gave way and crushed him beneath. A particularly humorous episode had Ino posing as a princess, who was courting another person of high status, but had gained weight and required Ino to play her part. Naruto joined the mission, adding to the confusion as a more seductive and flirtatious version of the princess. Eventually, the princess revealed herself, causing her suitor to admit he preferred "big-boned" women.

      Ino reappeared in the second part of the manga, now with an outfit change and new hairstyle. Though brief, her spotlight would return later when it was revealed she had been trained in medical skills, the same as Sakura but most likely to a lesser degree, seeing Sakura’s tutor was one of the best medics in Konoha’s history. However, she was devastated to find that her former team leader, Asuma, had been fatally wounded by Akatsuki’s zealot, Hidan. His last words to her were for her to never give up and lose to Sakura. Ino and her teammates would then set out to hunt down Hidan. The team along with Hatake Kakashi located Hidan and Ino did her part to help combat Hidan's partner Kakuzu while Shikamaru fought Hidan one on one. Shikamaru eventually succeeded in taking out Hidan and soon Kakuzu was brought down, bringing some measure of revenge for her former sensei.

     Undoubtedly, Ino’s greatest tie to any character is Sakura, considered her rival for Sasuke’s affections, despite the fact that revenge is all he lives for. Some people have paired her with Shikamaru and later Chouji upon Shikamaru’s stronger link with Temari. A few even think there may be something between Ino and Sai, though this is most likely due to Sai's strange approach at offering pleasantries, choosing to say the exact opposite of what he really feels. Sadly, like most of the females in the series, Ino suffers a lack of exposure and character development.